You are a Christian. You go to church every now and then. You fast 365 days a year. You read your Bible every minute and pray even in your sleep. You dont touch unholy things and don't mingle with ungodly people. In fact, you hate ungodly men so much that you condemn them to hell every day.

You are renowned for your early morning preachings at the junction and you have your favourite lines. Every morning you can't do without screaming "hell fire straight!" And every time you say those words people chorus them with you, because they know you so well. "Na fire go burn you!" is another popular line you woof.

Why you have chosen to be that way is a question lacking answers. You have forgotten the priority of heaven, of the master Jesus and the church.  You have chosen to detach from the ministry of showing light through love. You are yet to see that heaven rejoice more at the sight of a sinner getting saved than over ninety-nine persons who need no repentance. The delight of heaven is in salvation and not condemnation. You totally forgot!

After you have preached for so many years and you finally 'make heaven at last', i do not hope you stretch your neck from heaven and look at those souls you condemned to hell, and laugh at them. I do not hope you see those souls and mock them by saying "sheybi i tell una or God don catch you!" No! I do not wish that.

But i do have a wish for you: that God would somehow help you to see clearly and understand the delight of heaven. That you would know that the ministry of evangelism is not a ministry of condemnation, but of salvation through the message of love.

I pray God help you, preacher.

Inspired by Luke 15:4-10.


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