I remember a time i was with two friends, about the same height with me then. Let's name them X and Y (Lol, do not be afraid. We are not solving maths here.)

X would challenge me to jump over a fence a little taller than we were. Fine, i thought it was impossible and i was about to admit i couldn't jump over that fence, unitl Y would just lift and jump unannounced.

"Whoa!" I paused. "If Y could, i can too." I thought, and then Booom! I jumped too. No fears. No contemplation.  I just jumped.

But X wouldn't jump. He would not try because he concluded he couldn't. It was too high for him. He was too small to jump. And he wouldn't even try no matter how long we teased and persuaded.

But i learnt a big lesson. A lesson I would never forget even when i am grown past jumping over fences in the neighbourhood. I learnt to never doubt me. And that was the last time i ever doubted my abilities, because i had done something i once thought was impossible.

The reason people remain limited is because they see themselves not qualified or too small to do what seems impossible, just like X. I would have ended up like X until i saw Y did that 'impossible'. And my perception was changed instantly. 

Have you been doubting your abilities too? Just Stop now! Because you'd be shocked how much you can really do.

So, go now! Face that fear, and win.

Dear esteemed reader, if you enjoyed the above writing and you want to see more of it, I would appreciate you follow my writings by dropping your email in the 'follow by email' box. A million thanks to you for reading. I love you. 


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