To Love is to give oneself away...

I believe having to overemphasize self love is vain passion. And It is particularly surprising when I see Christians do that too.

Every time I see things like "I love me.....Haters bla bla bla." I sigh, and I move on.

No, don't get me wrong, I am not advocating for people to start hating their own lives. But I believe people would love their lives by default, and it is vain passion to stress love for one's life and express hate for another in the process. That is not what the love of God is about.

Jesus knew it, and no wonder He said "Love your neighboour as yourself". He knew everyone has to love themselves, but what we need to spend extra effort to promote is the need to love others, Just as we do ourselves.

If you have been spending too much energy on elevating yourself so as to disapprove others, you are not really loving. If you are daily expressing love for your own life, neglecting the need to show God's love to others, you are majoring on the minor.

To love is to give oneself away, putting others first, just like Christ did.

Inspired by Ephesians 5:1&2.


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